A jupyter notebook is a document (produced by the jupyter notebook
program) that contains both computer code (i.e., python) and rich text
elements (subtitles, paragraphs, equations, figures, links, etc.).
Notebook documents are both human-readable documents containing the
analysis description and the results (figures, tables, etc.) as well as
executable documents which can be run to perform data analysis. You can
have multiple different jupyter notebooks saved in different file
directories etc. A jupyter notebook is always saved as a .ipynb
Jupyter Notebook Software
The Jupyter Notebook software is an application that allows editing
and running notebook documents via a web browser. Behind the scenes, the
code runs and is stored on on your computer’s CPU, but can be accessed
and edited from a web browser. Although the jupyter notebook uses a web
browser, you do not need internet to run Jupyter. Your local computer,
rather than an internet provider, acts as the server. You can also wire
jupyter in such a way that jupyter executes on an HPC, cloud computer
system, or other remote CPU/drive, while still being accessed from your
laptop’s browser.
Jupyter Notebook Dashbaord
In addition to displaying/editing/running notebook documents, the
Jupyter Notebook App has a “Dashboard” (Notebook Dashboard), a “control
panel” showing local files and allowing to open notebook documents or
shutting down their kernels.
You can also edit python scripts, text files, or most other files
using the jupyter notebook dashboard on your browser.
A notebook kernel is a “computational engine” that executes the code
contained in a Notebook document. The ipython kernel, referenced in this
guide, executes python code. Kernels for many other languages exist
(official kernels).
When you open a Notebook document, the associated kernel is
automatically launched. When the notebook is executed (either
cell-by-cell or with menu Cell -> Run All), the kernel performs the
computation and produces the results. Depending on the type of
computations, the kernel may consume significant CPU and RAM. Note that
the RAM is not released until the kernel is shut-down.
Installing Jupyter Notebook
To install jupyter notebook download
anaconda (a
python source management package) for python3, 64 bits for your
operating system (linux, macOS, or windows - jupyter will not work on
chromebooks). Use the default settings for a single user.
Running and Navigating Jupyter Notebook
Kicking off Jupyter Notebook
Option 1:
Click on the Jupyter Notebook icon in the start menu
Option 2:
Open up terminal in windows (cmd)
Type jupyter notebook
Open terminal on mac
Type jupyter notebook.
This should kick off a kernel (running inside terminal) and open up a
browser with the jupyter notebook dashboard displayed.
The Jupyter Notebook App is a server that appears in your browser at
a default address (http://localhost:8888). You can run many copies of the
Jupyter Notebook App and they will show up at a similar address (only
the number after “:”, which is the port, will increment for each new
copy). Since with a single Jupyter Notebook App you can already open
many notebooks, we do not recommend running multiple copies of Jupyter
Notebook App.
Creating a New Notebook
To create a new notebook, on the jupyter notebook dashboard navigate
into the file directory in which you want to create your notebook and
click New->Notebook.
Editing the Notebook
Jupyter Notebooks consist of cells, blocks of code or text that can
be moved around, formatted etc. We can have coding cells, which consist
of (in the case of ipython)
Formatted text cells use markdown syntax. You can write paragraphs
and bullet points, create headings/subheadings, and insert equations
into these cells. You can toggle whether a cell gets read as code or
text by clicking on the cell and then using the dropdown code/raw
text/markdown menu.
You can move cells up and down using the up.down arrows.
Text cells consist of python (or whatever code your kernel is set
for) code.
Running code in your notebook
To run a block of code click on the block of code and click play.
Alternatively, you can use shift + enter to run the cell you are on. To
run all of the cells, slick kernel -> run all.
To interrupt the block of code running click kernel->interrupt
To restart the runtime, click kernel->restart runtime. This will
not delete your code but will clear all local variables, etc.
Jupyter File Directory Structure
When started, the Jupyter Notebook App can access only files within
its start-up folder (including any sub-folder). No configuration is
necessary if you place your notebooks in your home folder or subfolders.
Otherwise, you need to choose a Jupyter Notebook App start-up folder
which will contain all the notebooks.
Change Jupyter Notebook Startup Folder
Copy the Jupyter Notebook launcher from the menu to the
Right click on the new launcher and change the Target field, change
%USERPROFILE% to the full path of the folder which will contain all the
Double-click on the Jupyter Notebook desktop launcher (icon shows
[IPy]) to start the Jupyter Notebook App. The notebook interface will
appear in a new browser window or tab. A secondary terminal window (used
only for error logging and for shut down) will be also opened.
Click on spotlight, type terminal to open a terminal window.
Enter the startup folder by typing
cd /some_folder_name
Type jupyter notebook to launch the Jupyter Notebook App The
notebook interface will appear in a new browser window or tab.
Closing your kernel
Closing the browser (or the tab) will not close the Jupyter Notebook
App. To completely shut it down you need to close the associated
The Jupyter Notebook App is a server that appears in your browser at
a default address (http://localhost:8888). Closing the browser will not
shut down the server. You can reopen the previous address and the
Jupyter Notebook App will be redisplayed.
When a notebook is opened, its “computational engine” (called the
kernel) is automatically started. Closing the notebook browser tab, will
not shut down the kernel, instead the kernel will keep running until is
explicitly shut down. To shut down a kernel, go to the associated
notebook and click on menu File -> Close and Halt. Alternatively, the
Notebook Dashboard has a tab named Running that shows all the running
notebooks (i.e. kernels) and allows shutting them down (by clicking on a
Shutdown button).